#9 Meeting : Thibaut Montgillard

For those who love good wine, some trips are like pilgrimages. This is the case of the Route des Grands Crus de Bourgogne, which links Dijon to Santenay and crosses estates whose mere mention puts our taste buds in a state of excitement.

But the House of Benjamin Kuentz likes to think outside the box.

At a time when we are creating a whisky aged in a barrel of great Burgundy wine, it is towards a cooperage that we are interested and not just any cooperage. The Montgillard cooperage, located just a stone’s throw from Cîteaux Abbey, is well worth a visit, driven by a philosophy and a love of the craft full of emotion. To listen to Thibaut Montgillard and Nicolas Boillot, his workshop manager, the meeting of a wine and a barrel is first and foremost a love story that will forge and develop each person’s temperament, which is only too happy to express itself. And as such, it is listening that is designated as the cardinal value of the cooperage. Listen to what nature expresses in memory and in life through a selection of the best oaks in France, from forests managed by the ONF in Burgundy, the Vosges and the Centre of France. Listen to what the wine already expresses from its terroir and which the barrel will enrich and refine. Above all, we listen to what the winemaker wants to tell us through his cuvée in order to determine the desired aromatic profile and the best wood to accompany this birth of a singular taste. A human and delicate approach at all stages, from the selection of the staves to the heating and drying.

And then it’s time to make a choice: which grain of wood to use, because that’s what makes all the difference, and how long to age the wine? These are questions that the Montgillard cooperage does not leave the winegrower alone. Sometimes it takes a few detours to understand what kind of wood some wines and men are made of!

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Whisky stories

#8 Meeting : Adrien Legris

From whisky to oyster, there is a world of difference? But on closer inspection, the distance between the small Breton SME Huîtres Legris and the House of Benjamin Kuentz is not so great.

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Recherchez-vous un de nos whiskies :

Pour offrir
Pour vous

Pour vous : le whisky, à quel moment ?

Peu importe il n’y a pas d’heure pour le malt
À l’apéritif, pour annoncer un repas
Pendant le repas, il se marie bien aux mets fins
En fin de repas, pour terminer sur une note maltée

Pour vous, un whisky se déguste :

Devant un beau jardin, pour accompagner l’élégance du paysage
Au coin de la cheminé, pour un moment chaleureux
En compagnie de bons mets et de bons mots
N’importe où, c’est le whisky qui amène l’endroit et l’humeur

Avec quelle personnalité partageriez-vous ce whisky ?

Boris Vian
Simone de Beauvoir
Marguerite Duras
Ma séléction
Profile aromatique
(D'un) verre printanier

frais fruité floral, 59.00€

Fin de partie

Gourmand, fruité, boisé, 69.00€

Aveux Gourmands

Gourmand, exotique, salin, 65.00€

Uisce de Profundis

le plus abyssale, un whisky jules Vernesque à offrir en primeur , 455€

Végétal Musette

Végétal, frais, fruité, 67.00€

Spicy Nouba

Épicé, fruité, boisé, 67,00€

Ma séléction
Profile aromatique
Coffret les Tumultes du Malt

La plus consensuelle : Le coffret 3x 20cl « Les Tumultes du Malt » (78.00€). ll permettra à l’heureux destinataire de découvrir 3 de nos whiskies phares.

L'Atelier "Créez votre whisky"

Le plus immersive : L’Atelier « Créez votre whisky » (85.00€) Une expérience unique, pour rentrer dans la peau d’un éditeur de whisky.

L'Abonnement K

La plus aboutie : L’abonnement K (à partir de 21€ par mois) 3 formules d’abonnement au choix pour recevoir régulièrement un whisky chez soi