San Francisco World Spirit Competition – Uisce de Profundis

Uisce de Profundis won the double gold medal for design at the Francisco World Spirit competition!

This JULEVERNESQUE PROJECT was accompanied by the company ESKA to create the ideal packaging solution for this exceptional vintage.
Maison Benjamin Kuentz, ESKA and the box manufacturer GBGT came together to design this sustainable box.

This UNIQUE SPIRIT is the first of its kind thanks to its unprecedented maturation process: the ageing of whisky in the depths of the sea. Aging a whisky at a depth of about ten meters under water has never been done before. And that’s exactly why our partner ESKA jumped at the chance of this unique experience. These bottles of whisky were immersed off the coast of Ouessant, in Brittany for a whole year.

« Our mission, in terms of packaging, was the epitome of thinking outside the box. » And they did it with flying colors. The secret of successful packaging is working with customers from understanding the concept through to the implementation of the product. The Uisce de Profundis project is a perfect example. Designed to mimic the moment of discovering hidden treasure at the bottom of the ocean, this box has an instant and lasting effect.
You’d think the outside was sprinkled with sand. In addition, a hot gold stamp seals its quality status. A map is finely printed which charters the sea journey of the one who opens it. At the moment of the opening, the mystery thickens. The blackness is complete like the depths of the ocean itself. After a fraction of a second, the eyes adjust and discover the superb Jules Verne-style screen-printed illustrations, imagined by our Artistic Director Philippe Galowitch. All the elements are preserved thanks to this clever design, imagined by the architects of ESKA & GBGT.

A box that allows the customer to live the underwater experience of this product. The Profondis Uisce box won a double gold medal at the San Francisco World Spirit Competition. Of the 3,800 entries, of which 1,275 were for whisky, ESKA’s concept box caused a sensation by winning the gold medal. Not only does the Profondis Uisce packaging meet all the requirements in terms of creativity, innovation and sheer fantasy, it is also very environmentally friendly. It meets all European production standards and is certified ISO 9001-14001, FSC, PEFC.

Creativity, luxury and sustainability were the three pillars of this exceptional collaboration. How about giving it a try?

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Pour vous

Pour vous : le whisky, à quel moment ?

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Pour vous, un whisky se déguste :

Devant un beau jardin, pour accompagner l’élégance du paysage
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N’importe où, c’est le whisky qui amène l’endroit et l’humeur

Avec quelle personnalité partageriez-vous ce whisky ?

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