To undertake and innovate in an already established universe.
To force the doors and convince of an untold story that can sometimes meet incredulity.
To dare certain marriages, that of ancestral know-how with advanced techniques.
To dare to start from a blank page also with the desire to create a new direction.
To go beyond the customs of a profession and fertilize all good ideas.
Respect to the point of obsession
Which must cross the entire value chain of whisky production, listening carefully to the farmer, the distiller and the bottler,
To lead to a reasoned exploitation of resources,
To enable us to offer and give back, by devoting part of the profits of the House to research for an even more reasoned production.
Finally, respect for the end consumer, to whom we owe absolute transparency on our working methods.
Sharing, that pulse
The one that moves us to transmit our passion, our knowledge, a know-how and ways of tasting and loving.
The one that drives us to meet, always fruitful, the master craftsmen who make the adventure of our House grow, whether they are a farmer, a distiller, a cooper, a merandier, a sommelier, a head bartender, an artistic director or a writer of whisky stories that we want to mark with excellence.
The one that makes us talk endlessly about this beautiful adventure to our entourage, a benevolent audience.
Finally, sharing all our knowledge to help the connoisseur better understand our whiskies and introduce him or her to other tasting experiences or rituals.
Our safeguard, a true simplicity
The one that is the mark of good products, that gives rise to the most sincere infatuations, that signs an elegance of being and of know-how to which the House of Benjamin Kuentz is very attached.