Guide: which whisky to choose for confinement?

Which whisky to choose for the confinement?

I can’t repeat it enough, French whisky, in full boiling, has all the characteristics to impose itself as a must-have. Distillation is perfectly mastered in France, and we are even the instigators. Moreover, the use of the expression « eau ardente », ancestor of alcohol of distillation, dates from the XIIIth century, and emanates from the pen of the MEDICINAL ARNAUD DE VILLENEUVE; in his antidotal collections.

« Among the medicines, some are distilled; from an old red wine, aqua ardens is distilled, which strongly removes paralysis, diminishes plethora and quickly heals recent wounds… » (Arnaud de Villeneuve, Antidotarium, fol. 245va).

It would seem that the FIRST DISTILLATES WERE FRENCH, and close to the technique of elaboration of cognacs and armagnacs, wine distillates. This digression is to tell you that we have been distilling for a long time, and better than anyone else, the essential French brandies: cognac and armagnac, but also calvados, pommeau, rum, fruit and plant brandies… The list is long.

You’ve got it… Buy French whisky!

In addition to this know-how, there is the EXCEPTIONAL PRODUCTION in quality and volume of grain in France, which can be malted on the spot; the abundant sources, and the multiplication of MASTER DISTILLERS who all reinterpret the whisky as they wish, for an exceptional diversity. What more could you ask for? Offer. From. Whiskey. French.

Which whisky to choose for the confinement?

DID YOU KNOW? In France, the spirits market represents a total of 4.8 billion euros or 100,000 jobs. These 100% agricultural nectars attract two million visitors every year: the cellars, malting plants and distilleries are places that bear witness to ancestral know-how and are well worth a visit. As you wander around France, don’t hesitate to pass by the door of one of these artisans; artists, that is to say! Today, spirit tourism has been slowed down by the pandemic, but our master craftsmen continue to keep this French terroir alive.

In 2019, 38% of spirits consumers in France enjoyed whisky. Although the origin of whisky seems to come from Scotland, in France, the so-called « French » whisky is starting to appear. BENJAMIN KUENTZ is one of the pioneers of this new category & has chosen to rely on the know-how of several French distillers to bring together unique cereal eaux de vie.

The confinement gives us the time to take an interest in this sometimes forgotten French terroir, which we suggest you discover through a range of exceptional whisky, signed Benjamin Kuentz.

(Of) Spring Glass

Whether you are a novice or an amateur, if you are looking for new flavours, the first born of the range will convince you with its exotic aromas reminiscent of JAPANESE WHISKIES. Original by its notes of pear and mirabelle plum which dazzle your palate with a subtle freshness; its aromas of fresh cereal and its spicy finish remind you of malted barley. Both soft and refreshing, it will suit any time of the day. Enjoy them in your garden, on your balcony, in the mild spring sunshine.

The tasting will reveal PRIMARY NOTES like flowers that dot a beaten path on which you advance as soon as your lips have touched the cereal brandy. Serve it with oysters or seafood to increase its spontaneity. Or try it with vegetable crisps to develop its exoticism. Fresh, fruity and floral, this whisky with its aromatic complexity stands on its own.

In short, (D’un) Verre printempsanier is the perfect way to get a foot in the door of the French whisky world!


For the seasoned whisky drinker, Fin de Partie is a PERFECT BALANCE between the classic whisky that could be found across the Channel & the French whisky. At the border between these two worlds, its light smoke reminds us of those movie scenes where the actor sips his glass of whisky while enjoying a cigar. A very Hollywood description and yet this is what the fragrance of this single malt already evokes.

You don’t need to smoke a cigar to enjoy the flavours of Fin de Partie. You can for example consume it at the end of a meal, as a digestive. Or to accompany a chocolate dessert. With its blend of 5 types of casks, Fin de Partie has a multitude of aromas reminiscent of pastry, baked fruits, all wrapped in a light smoke and structured wood.

You’ll love it dry! But to change your habits from time to time, we suggest you associate it with other ingredients in cocktails, with the very classic: OLD FASHIONED. A dash of bitter, a little cane sugar, a zest of orange and two large ice cubes are enough for a light dilution and bitterness while spicing up your tasting.

In short, Fin de Partie is ideal to end (or start) an evening.

Greedy confessions

Whether you are Breton, Bretonophile or simply curious, Aveux Gourmands will convince you. Like a SUGAR POETRY that you consume on the spur of the moment in a guilty pleasure. Its notes of salted butter caramel, roasted pineapple and dried fruit will surprise you.

It can be enjoyed on its own, but when accompanied by a dish such as an 18-month-old Beaufort, its aromas become more enchanting. Its SALINE TOUCH is like an invitation to the Breton coast, where whisky takes its inspiration.

In short, Aveux Gourmands is ideal for a solitary moment where a sweet note will lull our palate.

Find it from April 15 on our website or at your wine shop!

Aux Particules Vines #4 & #5

In SEARCH OF ORIGINALITY, the Aux Particules Vines limited editions will awaken your senses with their complex aromatic palette, off the beaten track of whisky.
Like a wine map of France, Aux Particules Vines is a tribute to this wine heritage. This whisky, aged in ex-casks from great estates, will appeal to you for its obvious subtlety.

With its red fruit notes and light elegance, AUX PARTICULES VINES #4 is an ideal candidate to end the meal on a malty note reminiscent of wine consumed at the table. This perfect balance brought by the ageing in ex-Bordeaux wine barrels allows it to adapt easily to your palate.

With its rare savoury delicacy, AUX PARTICULES VINES #5 is the image of this great vintage consumed during a dinner. Its ageing in ex-cask of Château Lafon-Rochet brings spices, wood and flowers, all the flavours are gathered to balance your culinary menu. Its originality is matched with sweet or savoury dishes as shown in this aromatic chart, a touch of spice mixed with the sweetness of pastry notes.

In short, Aux Particules Vines is ideal for a moment of sharing to bring a malty touch to the know-how of the French vineyard and wine.

We’ll meet again soon, in a new episode to choose the ideal whisky for Mother’s and Father’s Day.

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Lire l'article

Recherchez-vous un de nos whiskies :

Pour offrir
Pour vous

Pour vous : le whisky, à quel moment ?

Peu importe il n’y a pas d’heure pour le malt
À l’apéritif, pour annoncer un repas
Pendant le repas, il se marie bien aux mets fins
En fin de repas, pour terminer sur une note maltée

Pour vous, un whisky se déguste :

Devant un beau jardin, pour accompagner l’élégance du paysage
Au coin de la cheminé, pour un moment chaleureux
En compagnie de bons mets et de bons mots
N’importe où, c’est le whisky qui amène l’endroit et l’humeur

Avec quelle personnalité partageriez-vous ce whisky ?

Boris Vian
Simone de Beauvoir
Marguerite Duras
Ma séléction
Profile aromatique
(D'un) verre printanier

frais fruité floral, 59.00€

Fin de partie

Gourmand, fruité, boisé, 69.00€

Aveux Gourmands

Gourmand, exotique, salin, 65.00€

Uisce de Profundis

le plus abyssale, un whisky jules Vernesque à offrir en primeur , 455€

Végétal Musette

Végétal, frais, fruité, 67.00€

Spicy Nouba

Épicé, fruité, boisé, 67,00€

Ma séléction
Profile aromatique
Coffret les Tumultes du Malt

La plus consensuelle : Le coffret 3x 20cl « Les Tumultes du Malt » (78.00€). ll permettra à l’heureux destinataire de découvrir 3 de nos whiskies phares.

L'Atelier "Créez votre whisky"

Le plus immersive : L’Atelier « Créez votre whisky » (85.00€) Une expérience unique, pour rentrer dans la peau d’un éditeur de whisky.

L'Abonnement K

La plus aboutie : L’abonnement K (à partir de 21€ par mois) 3 formules d’abonnement au choix pour recevoir régulièrement un whisky chez soi