
(From a) Spring Glass : Cocktails

Cocktail Firenze

#1 (Of a) This flowery and floral single malt invites the most awake minds to compose in new forms. Here, this whisky is perfectly integrated into the preparation of the Firenze, a sparkling cocktail whose light bitterness blends perfectly with the white fruit notes such as pear and mirabelle plum of our whisky. The citrus mixtures of the various spirits present are accompanied with pleasure by the softer notes of this single malt which has become a classic within the House of Benjamin Kuentz.

Whisky Sour Cocktail

#2 What if you broke the codes of this cocktail by revisiting it with a fresh and light whisky? Dare to mix this single malt with floral and fruity notes and the citrus acidity of lemon. The mixture of these two worlds of flavors will bring a certain stability in the mouth and will bring up all the candied fruit and vanilla flavors of this canonical cocktail. To be enjoyed as an aperitif with friends or family to start the evening with delicacy.

The Rocamadour

#3 Summer has barely left, but spring and its green pastures still seem far away. To make you wait, a small tasteful meeting that smells good the awakening of nature. Choose a creamy Rocamadour, matured just right, and for once, marry this cheese from Quercy with (D’un) Verre printempsanier, a fresh whisky. The texture of Rocamadour unexpectedly enhances the more reserved flavours of this young, lively eau de vie.

The Chocolate Cake

#4 Food lovers will love this combination of flavours! For a little gourmet break, prepare a glass of this single malt and accompany it with a chocolate cake. This agreement, very gourmet to say the least, will keep its promises. A blend of white fruit notes such as pear and mirabelle plum with the floral and spicy flavours of chocolate. A moment of pure hedonism for all epicureans eager for new flavours in the mouth.

The lemon pie

#5 With such a fresh and light whisky, lemon was a must! The effervescence of fresh fruit such as pear, mirabelle plum and fresh cereals blend perfectly with the acidic notes of this sunny citrus fruit. An open-air stroll to start a beautiful spring or summer evening, to share with friends or to enjoy alone.

Vegetable Chips

#6 An idyllic marriage between this exceptional whisky and simple vegetable chips. The saltiness of these crisp vegetables awakens the floral and fruity flavours of (a) Glass of Spring. The aromas of carrot, panet and beet reveal the vegetal aspect of this French single malt. An ideal match to discover all the secrets of this gastronomic spirit.

Seaweed Tartar

#7 Lemon Wakame Seaweed Tartar is a new pairing that reveals the richness of (a) Verre Printanier’s marine aromas and smooth texture that softens this single malt. The acidity of the lemon blends perfectly with the freshness of the cereals. Osmosis transports you to the coastline as the whisky mixes with the flavours of the tartar like waves with grains of sand.

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Recherchez-vous un de nos whiskies :

Pour offrir
Pour vous

Pour vous : le whisky, à quel moment ?

Peu importe il n’y a pas d’heure pour le malt
À l’apéritif, pour annoncer un repas
Pendant le repas, il se marie bien aux mets fins
En fin de repas, pour terminer sur une note maltée

Pour vous, un whisky se déguste :

Devant un beau jardin, pour accompagner l’élégance du paysage
Au coin de la cheminé, pour un moment chaleureux
En compagnie de bons mets et de bons mots
N’importe où, c’est le whisky qui amène l’endroit et l’humeur

Avec quelle personnalité partageriez-vous ce whisky ?

Boris Vian
Simone de Beauvoir
Marguerite Duras
Ma séléction
Profile aromatique
(D'un) verre printanier

frais fruité floral, 59.00€

Fin de partie

Gourmand, fruité, boisé, 69.00€

Aveux Gourmands

Gourmand, exotique, salin, 65.00€

Uisce de Profundis

le plus abyssale, un whisky jules Vernesque à offrir en primeur , 455€

Végétal Musette

Végétal, frais, fruité, 67.00€

Spicy Nouba

Épicé, fruité, boisé, 67,00€

Ma séléction
Profile aromatique
Coffret les Tumultes du Malt

La plus consensuelle : Le coffret 3x 20cl « Les Tumultes du Malt » (78.00€). ll permettra à l’heureux destinataire de découvrir 3 de nos whiskies phares.

L'Atelier "Créez votre whisky"

Le plus immersive : L’Atelier « Créez votre whisky » (85.00€) Une expérience unique, pour rentrer dans la peau d’un éditeur de whisky.

L'Abonnement K

La plus aboutie : L’abonnement K (à partir de 21€ par mois) 3 formules d’abonnement au choix pour recevoir régulièrement un whisky chez soi